Anne Ramsay was born in 1914 and grew up in Redfern. In this interview she talks about her childhood, her parents, and life in inner Sydney. In the extract below Anne recalls childhood entertainment in the 1920s.
Oh yes, we used to go over to Moore Park. You’ve seen them skiing down the hills over at Moore Park [reference to artificially generated snow slopes in 1990s]. Well, I would say – how old would I be then? – about eight. We used to take the old tin trays that mum had and we’d sit on the tin trays and somebody could push and we’d go down all those hills. And I’d come home and I’d have the behind out of my pants and I’d get belted – hole in my pants. Oh yes, we had fun over there on those hills. That park was a godsend. We used to play vigoro [team game] over there; go and watch the football of a Sunday. My young sisters were the worst; they wouldn’t, they didn’t believe in our church [Catholic]. They used to have the Evangelists over there of a Sunday. You’d go over there of a Sunday afternoon and they’d have this big circle with all the kids in the circle and they’d sing all the hymns about the place. My younger sister would walk down the street singing the songs and I’d say “They’re not ours! They’re not ours!”