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The histories of work, commerce and industry have materially shaped Sydney’s development. These interviews record and demonstrate the extraordinary range of occupations, industrial and craft-based manufacture, small business and retailing which have contributed to the economic history of Sydney.

Robert Atallah
Keeping shoes on the City's pavements

Claudia Chan Shaw
'On' brand - hip, happening and fabulous with Vivian Chan Shaw

Shirley Lee, Susan Pang, Jack Ah Yong
Hingara Chinese Restaurant

Michael Cuomo
100% Redfern. A shopkeeper's view on an evolving suburb.

Morris (Moshe) and Adam (Isaac) Perkal
The Perkal brothers. Shoemakers to the stars.

Peter Sakaluk
Famous for fur: experiences in a Sydney fur retailing salon.

Mick Smith
Business pros & cons of a post war Sydney firearms dealer.

Ross Ellis
Andy Ellis Tailors, a once very hip clothing store for men.

Ilse Huber
The importance of atmosphere, the Blue Danube restaurant.

Cyril Vicenc
Cyril Vicenc delicatessen, back in the day.

Lindsay Sharp
Renaming a classic. The man behind Sharpie's Golf House.

Robin Landis
Golf House Manager recalls the history of the business

Alan Landis
A Sydney landmark. Memories of the 'The Golf House' neon sign.

Rodney Jacobs
Sales, marketing, fashion and trends at Andy Ellis Tailors.

Slim Dusty
Country music legend recalls a visit to Ellis Tailors.

Christine Ellis
The changing market in the later years of Andy Ellis Tailors.

Harry Gatt
Famous in the '50s. An Andy Ellis customer recalls hip clothing.

Paul Mendels
The Nut Shop. A changing retail market in Sydney's Strand Arcade.

Annette Bennett
A David Jones nurse recalls the in store dramas and accidents.

Stella Cornelius
Changing fashions in fur and the development of a modern business.

Marion Kilzer
All in a day's work. Life at Cornelius Furs Sydney.