Sydney Oral Histories
Our City
Shared Terrain
Art and Culture
Open All Hours
Millers Point
Welcome to the City of Sydney’s Oral History Collection
Agnes Phillips
Tony Prescott
John Ross
Patricia Phillips
Eileen and Bill Pearson
Ray Newey
Jack Mundey
Adrien Meredith
Harry Lapham
Harold Kerr
Ronald Josephs
Clarice and Robert Johnston
John Hawthorne
Boris Schkut and Nick Pastor
Flo Seckold
Marie Shehady
Maureen Stapleton
Beverley Sutton
Joan Taylor
Judy Taylor
Russell Taylor
Helen Xiros
Graeme Goodsell
Phyllis Flynn
Joe Fitzpatrick
Joyce Feeney
Warren Cox
Millicent Chalmers
Dawn Caruana
Teri Carter
Russell Fitchett
Shirley Fitzgerald
Bill Ford
Des Gray
Gaylene Harkin
April Harrison and Chantelle Shackleton
Brian Harrison
Frank Hyde
Janet and Cathie Farley
Alice Brown
Fiona Campbell
Kath Burgess
Betty Borg
Michael Armstrong
Amanda Barlow
Lawrie Anderson
Greg Smith